Sunday, February 10, 2008

Epic Snowfall, Limited Preparation

This last week was an interesting one. Many of you may have read about the 2000 car backup on 39/90 and the general mayhem in Wisconsin. We were expecting 1 to 4 inches in Madison, then the forecast radically changed on this past Wednesday morning to 12 to 18 inches with pockets of 20 inches. Despite this forecast and the fact that it would be doing all of this during the day, UW Madison did not close until 3:30 PM after my last class. This was distressing, and I had a long walk home. On the bright side, I got to push cars out, and so did my friends.

At vet school, we had a week packed with information largely on lipid and protein metabolism, GI physiology and a whole bunch of neurobiology. I don't know if you know how complicated the spinal cord is, but I think I am just brushing the surface. There are tracts seemingly everywhere that cross and recross, and overlap. We learn all of these to be able to tell what part of the cord is damaged if say your dog's legs on the left side are weak, and his reflexes are still ok. We have two clinical cases to write up that actually require that we have studied for our upcoming exam (in two weeks) in order to complete them. I think this is a good think, but it has been taking me awhile.

Nothing too much else is going on, other than a flurry of different thoughts and emails about my new position as a SAVMA delegate. I am looking forward to seeing what it is all about in Auburn. Also, it is the Chinese New Year. Hopefully, the year of the rat will be a good one!

Here are some Chinese art links to celebrate the new year! Ming Dynasty Art and some pictures of the Big Goose Pagoda, which I visited when I was nine.

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